
Pay it forward

I grew up in St. Louis. And you know, it always seemed like a nice, friendly place. But I suppose most people in this country grew up in nice, friendly places. Don't get me wrong there were bad neighborhoods and dirtbags., but all in all, it seemed like a good place with good people. I'm sure if you look at where you grew up, you'd feel the same way.

So tell me when the world became populated with fucking assholes. You know who I'm talking about. Cell phone abusers, self-righteous aggro hippies, crybabies and every other kind of self-centered shit stain that makes every trip out of your house unpleasant. For a while now, I thought it was me. I thought that I scrutinized people too harshly. Because, honestly, I have very little tolerance for bullshit or its perpetrators. But imagine how relieved I was to find out it wasn't just me. And I've got to think the rest of the nice people from places are just as exasperated.

Ahh... kindred spirits.

Maybe we've reached critical mass. Maybe we've gotten to the point where people don't know how to be polite and considerate. Maybe it's perfectly acceptable to hold up the flight because you want to shove your steamer trunk in to the overhead. After all, fuck everybody else, the $25 to check it is coming out of YOUR pocket. That's means you're entitled to tell everybody on the way to Raleigh, NC and points beyond to kiss your royal irish ass.

But, what if we (you and I dear reader) decided to start calling people out for their indiscretions. Could we actually make people think about how their actions affect others? Imagine being in an express line at the grocery store.*

Lady At Grocery Store: That was marked $3.59 not $3.99.

Checker: Ma'am I'll need to find a stocker to check it.

(five minutes later a stocker arrives. three minutes later he comes back with $3.99 as the price)

Lady At Grocery Store: Okay, that's not how that was marked. I need to talk with your manager.

Checker: Yes, ma'am.

(stocker goes to find manager.)

You: Ma'am, I'll give you the 40 cents.

Lady At Grocery Store: It's not the money it's the principle. It was mis-marked.

You: That may be the case, but I'm on my way to the baseball game. I just stopped in to grab some beers. That's why I got in the express. Just trying to catch the opening pitch**

Lady At Grocery Store: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think about this being the express lane. You know what, I'll just pay for my groceries so I don't hold everyone up. I can talk to the manager after I check out. It is only 40 cents.***

You: Thanks. I really appreciate it.

Lady At Grocery Store: (smiles) Go Cards!

Wouldn't the world be a better place? So consider this your Project Mayhem homework. Start calling these inconsiderate fucks out. And just because I call them inconsiderate fucks doesn't mean you have to be rude. Hell, kill 'em with kindness, if you like. (I recommend an adaptive style. Calling some one a cocksucker because they didn't turn their phone off at a christening may be a little much. On the other hand it seems to work nicely at a bar.) Maybe we can make people's days a little brighter. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm an asshole too.

*This is based on actual events.

** In St. Louis, this is an acceptable excuse for anything short of first-degree murder.

*** In reality, she told me that wasn't her problem. (Which it wasn't) So then I audibly said "fucking unbelievable." And told the girl behind me "I couldn't believe this shit." This was followed by one of my buddies coming in for smokes observing the situation and declaring "this bitch is out of her mind." Not my finest hour. But we were on our way to the ballgame.


At 10:52 AM , Blogger Jeff said...

People are bigger fuck heads than they used to be. It's part of our always connected culture we have. And it's only getting worse. You have asshole teenagers who may not talk on cell phones during a movie but they are texting their dumb ass friends non-stop. Or you have the douche with the blue tooth headset on the entire time with the stupid blue light. Sure not distracting to him, but it is to every other human. We now live in a pampered self centered society. And you have many semi-well-to-do people who feel even more entitled. Unfortunately I think when you run into one of these fucks who is a grown adult it is far too late to teach them a lesson in courtesy. They are fuck heads for life by that point. And only a good beat down could help them kick that.

At 9:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Manners are dead.

No more mutual respect.

I hate people. I fucking hate them.


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